Thursday 19 July 2012

another show, number 3431 something. i think.

So, another day another week, a show. 
Been a long time since doing a show at the old Westin ballroom. Let's call it that. Hate the new name.
Points listed below, not in any order.

1- bloody hell. Things have changed in the " food serving" department. As some of you know, the whole back passage from the loading lift all the way round coming out at the other end is a no no to storage of empties. Maybe if you have only a few cases you might get away with it.
If its a show with food being prepared, they use the damm space for themselves. No cases allowed. 
That's fine with me. No quarrels with that.
But what is different now, I think, they use up the whole passage, nearly all the way to the other end.
And, they block up all the doors too. Their tables, carts, bins, tray holders, foldable tables for preparation of food ( they cook it in the kitchens), basically the whole kitchen is there !
Imagine this. You know the corner side near the loading lift? Well, from that first door and going down 7 doors round the passage, they have something in the way of all them doors.
Those doors are serving doors, and also emergency exits. All blocked up. And most of them that were blocked had exit signs over them. Does this mean blockage of doorways meant for emergency exiting?
The backstage area is inaccessible to all. The design of the stage and video screens block off this area. And when wanting to go backstage or out of it, it's almost impossible.
and the band, the singer, the dancers > no changing room. backstage area is it. how fuked is that?

That's my rant on that shitty subject.

2- they have a small riser thing for the MC and, hell, i think for all short speakers. Hahaha I laughed hard, not too hard, people can see, when the VIP went up. He tripped over this riser. Mr tan Chuan-Jin, ministar of state for manpower and national development. 
He said," ar..hmm.. A safety hazard there".   Hahahaha pissed myself. wonder which joker shat their pants right there and than hahahahah fukin made my day that did!
No one though about his height. The mc's height was more important.
Fuking funny. And it's MOM's yearly show, WSH awards.
Like a person said, “guess we wont see that riser next year”. lol
And because of this extra height, his mouth was so far from the damm mic. Who the fuk put that platform there? Hahahahahah
Is someone’s head gonna roll?
The MC. not to tall. Melissa hydrake something chick. she needed the riser.  she places her notes on the rostrum top. ok. well done. but don’t LEAN forward when you need to glance at your notes la girl! you know the sound waves you produce get larger in amplification into the mic when you do that?
and asking the award winners to s-q-u-e-z-z-z-e together on stage for pictures, DON’T look at them! we won’t get your sound waves into our S$10 million sound system. if you want to look to your left to speak to ppl, lean to your right and look and speak “pass” the mics at the same time honey.

3- can fly cant fly. Got place no place. So wrong to stack the shit in this particular situation. But lanlan. No fly points. So how? Stack lor. Brought foldable platforms. Works fine.
No money for truss? Should have ground support and flown. like many other shows. Oh well. but maybe the client don’t want any trusses. why do ppl like large frontaged stage`s with no place to put any speakers? or even FF`s.

4- I already have mentioned somewhere, radio comms needs to be there. Fuk I can't even call the Snd op. I will not use the comms system that is being used for the show. Can't interrupt show calling. Maybe big big big emergency than can. bo pian. But the Snd op was told to off his Walkie. In fact, all FOH crew were told to off walkies. Wtf for I don't know. Gota ask the show caller why he did that. Was trying to contact op at start of the vip's speech, but can't. Found out after when I went to FOH that he was told to off his talkie.
That pissed me off bad. 

5- Singer`s rehearsal. Hmmm. with P/B, not live. maybe did not warm up at the start of reh. voice was, well, not coming out that well. but at the end of the reh, it came out ok after getting her on iem`s. mix down track for her was, not that well done. ups, downs, no lows at parts, piercing at times. poor sound man at the desk.

6- number 1 drum stooi came with the MI company. must be their best stooi, not stool. had to take a pic for old times sake. wonder if number 2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 is any better.

bah. thats my rant.

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