Friday 10 February 2012

Getting on and off the train Part 1

sama sama. city hall. 0908Hrs.

so I joined the crowd getting on the train. not a lot. just 4 of us at our section of the platform. train got into the station.
about 5 ppl got out. lol ! wad a mess.

here, theres 5 ppl getting out, while 3 ppl are trying to force their way in! I was thinking, “ fuk, the train aint going no where till they all get off, and we all get on”.

it was non packed, no rush. and yet ppl still wanna rush onto the train. cant they let the ppl getting off the train to get off FRIST? than get into it?

for a few months now, I been taking the same train to jurong east station. I have never seen any one give way to the ppl coming out of the train. at any station. at any point. knn.

so I wait. when those 3 get in, than I walk in. nice and comfy. no rush. no squezzzzzz.

and of course this happens at every station. even if its 1 or 2 getting out, ppl still wanna get on the train b4 ppl get off.

pls help me understand lol.

so I reach jurong east. now this is the fun part. heheheheh.

at that platform, ppl from the north south line, they join this train. lots of them. to cont on the east west line all the way to joo koon I guess.

Im normally by the door when it opens. so theres me, maybe 2-3 others waiting to get off. and theres about 5-8 ppl wanting to get on.

just like city hall, they wanna rush in b4 any one gets off.

the doors normally “fits” 2 ppl across comfortably. a bit “narrow” if 3 passes in/out together.

so I will, on purpose, walk beside another person on the way out.

lol! the look on their faces. haha. maybe this says it all

“why this siao ang mo blocking me? im trying to get on the train!”

“knn this stupid ang mo, blocking me!”

“why he come out block the way? stupid”

“oh no. will I miss the train cos it take me such a long time to get on it?”

“the door so big, why the ang mo block half of it?”

well, so there I go, getting off the train. at times ppl knock into me. is it my bad? why don’t they let us off first? am I wrong by walking into them when they are walking in the same time im walking out?

so I get off. I always turn round and have a look, maybe a laugh.
like I metioned, 3 wide is a bit of a squezeseseee. so I turn round and see 1 column of ppl coming out, and 2 columns of ppl going in.

LOL ! and some times I see some of the ppl that I bumped into, or they bumped me, don’t know, staring at me. hahahaha. bloody hell.

fuk them. learn to give way. not my fault that I bumped into you causing u bodily harm. learn to wait. learn to give way.

the train aint going off without you. if its too packed, wait for the next one. fuking hell ppl. the train platform has cameras. the driver can see the whole length of the platform. he/she will not move off till his doors are closed. and to be closed, he will wait till he /she sees that no one is getting off or getting on the train. getting on being the more important part.

crap. that’s it for my views on getting on and off the train.

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